How it All Began
For those of you who don’t already know, Cross E Ranch was founded on our beef program. My grandpa, David Hinckley, used to only raise black angus cattle and the feed needed to feed them. He spent the majority of his life perfecting his herd into the beautiful cows we have today.
In my grandpa’s eyes, farming was for working not the entertainment of others. You farmed because the act of working every day and raising something (livestock or crops) from the start of its life to the end was enough to make one happy. To a point my grandpa was right, people farm because somehow this work, which at times is the hardest work I’ve ever done, is the most rewarding. He was however missing a big part of agriculture, and as my mom says, “It took 4 little girls to wear that man’s heart down” (the 4 little girls of course being myself and my three sisters), to show him that sharing agriculture can bring just as much joy, if not more.
My mom says that we were the ones to finally break the old man down; he let us have serval chickens, taught us how to bottle feed calves and lambs, let us raise our 4-H livestock, and then after much begging he let us buy a horse. Just to show how much we broke the poor old man (he did love us so much) he later bred his old mare and gave us two foals that were born here on the ranch.
It wasn’t until my grandpa started letting us be more involved at the farm that my mom saw the joy that farming brings and wanted to share it with others. This is where the idea of Cross E Ranch was born. She and my uncle played around with all the endless possibilities and potential the farm had and all the challenges that could follow. All this was happenings towards the end of my grandpa’s life and with that came a hard decision: sell everything, or risk it all. I bet you can guess what happened: we risked it all.
It wasn’t until after my grandpa passed away that Cross E Ranch was born. It’s been our joke for the entirety of the business (Cross E Ranch) that we aren’t sure if grandpa would be turning over in his grave with what we have made of his farm, or if he would be applauding us.
As much as we are the cute story of a family trying to save their farm (which is the truth), we are also now a business trying to stay afloat. We now face the difficulties and challenges of saving our little farm, and starting and maintain a business. As well as keeping the root of agriculture a central part of Cross E Ranch, because none of us would be here today without the little farm that started it all.
That truly is what has brought us together; us saving our farm, and you all supporting us through it. And how we are so grateful for your continued support throughout these past 7 years. It hasn’t been an easy road (and it doesn’t seem to be getting any easier…), but what road that is worth it in the end, is ever easy? We have hope for the future and can see the light (however faint it maybe) at the end of this lengthy tunnel, and hope to see you at the end too.
It is our wish that when you come out to enjoy the farm, enjoying the small taste of agriculture it brings, that it fills your heart as it does ours. Because after all we are your family’s farm.