A Tribute to David Hinckley
Just a short tribute to my dad: He loved calving. He loved the cows and the calves. Each time I see a new calf on the ground I think of him. I think he must be watching out for us up there somewhere. My girls (the new ranch hands) reminded me of a sweet experience they had with their grandpa.
Grandpa was old and sick, had crippled hands and it would be his last calving season. We were out checking cows and came on to a calf just barely born. The sac was still over the face and grandpa just jumped out of the truck and pulled the sac off, rubbed the calf and got it breathing. My girls were mesmerized. When grandpa came back to the truck he was crying and excited we had saved a calf. It taught my girls a reverence for life. They will always remember the tender feelings there that day.
That is what is amazing about seeing these little calves born and watching their mamas take care of them…it’s the beauty of life….whether a calf or any other creature, it’s beautiful. It makes you value life and all we have.
Written by: Heather Hinckley Limon